- citizens of the Republic of Slovenia,
- citizens of the European Union Member States,
- Slovenians without Slovenian citizenship,
- citizens of non-European Union countries who have permanent residence in Slovenia and are themselves, or at least one of their parents or guardians are residents of the Republic of Slovenia for tax purposes until the beginning of the selection procedure,
- persons who have been granted international or temporary protection status and applicants for international or temporary protection,
- Foreign citizens (nonEU) who have completed secondary education in the Republic of Slovenia and have passed the matura exam.
Application periods
Deadline for applying
Important information
Eligible applicants
First-round application period
From 18 February to 18 March 2025
The deadline for the submission of electronic applications through the eVŠ web portal is 18 March 2025. After 18 March 2024, changes to and deregistration from individual specified study preferences will no longer be possible. Candidates may submit one application and may specify, in order of priority, a maximum of three (3) different study programmes in which they wish to enrol.
- Citizens of the Republic of Slovenia and citizens of the European Union Member States and Slovenians without Slovenian citizenship.
‒ Citizens of non-European Union countries who have permanent residence in Slovenia and are themselves, or at least one of their parents or guardians are residents of the Republic of Slovenia for tax purposes until the beginning of the selection procedure.
‒ Persons who have been granted international protection status and applicants for international protection.
- Citizens of non-European Union countries who have completed secondary education in the Republic of Slovenia and have passed the matura exam.
Second-round application period
From 20 to 27 August 2025 The information regarding available enrolment places will be published on 19 August 2025.
The deadline for the submission of electronic applications through the eVŠ is 27 August 2025. After 27 August 2025, changes to and deregistration from individual specified study preferences will no longer be possible. Candidates may submit one application and may specify, in order of priority, a maximum of three (3) different study programmes in which they wish to enrol.
‒ Candidates who did not apply in the first application period.
‒ Candidates who were not included in any of the study programmes listed in the first application.
‒ Candidates who did not enrol in the study programme to which they were admitted in the first application period.
‒ Candidates who signed out of the study programme to which they were admitted in the first application period by 14 August 2025.
Application period for stillavailable enrolment places
From 24 September to 25 September 2025 till 10 a.m. (this deadline also applies to attachments) Available enrolment places will be published on 23 September 2025.
The deadline for the submission of electronic applications through the eVŠ is 25 September 2025 till 10 a.m. After 25 September 2025, changes to and deregistration from individual specified study preferences will no longer be possible. Candidates may submit a maximum of three (3) applications and may specify one study programme in which they wish to enrol for each application.
‒ Candidates who did not apply in the first or second application period.
‒ Candidates who have submitted the first or second application and in the selection procedure of the current year were not included in any of the study programmes listed in the application.
‒ Candidates who did not enrol in the study programme to which they were admitted in the first or second application period.
‒ Candidates admitted in the first or second application period to the study programme that will not be implemented.
When completing an application, candidates should ensure that they meet (or will meet) the enrolment conditions, otherwise their study choice will not be taken into consideration.
In the first- or second-round application period, candidates may specify, in order of priority, a maximum of three different study programmes in which they wish to enrol and for which they meet, or will meet, the enrolment conditions before the expiry of the deadlines published in this Call for Enrolment. The priority order in which the study programme preferences are listed is important, because candidates will, under the conditions indicated in this Call for Enrolment in the point on the selection procedure, be admitted to the first specified programme for which they meet all the conditions.
The information regarding enrolment places that are still available in the second-round application period will be published on 19 August 2025 on the eVŠ web portal and on the websites of the higher education application and information services of the University of Ljubljana, the University of Maribor, the University of Primorska and the University of Nova Gorica and on the websites of other higher education institutions.
Candidates for whom the selection procedure of the first-round application period has not yet finished (candidates who will sit the Slovenian matura exam (i.e. the national upper secondary schoolleaving external examination) in two parts, where the completion of a part of the matura exam in the autumn term is deemed equivalent to the completion of the entire matura exam in the spring term according to a decision adopted by a competent body, or undergo tests of specific aptitudes, abilities and skills in the autumn term; candidates undergoing the procedure for the recognition of completed education for the purpose of continuing studies; and candidates who were approved for enrolment following an appeals procedure) may also submit a second-round application. Second-round applications may be submitted from 20 to 27 August 2025. If such candidates are admitted to one of the study programmes specified in the first-round application, their second-round application will be
eliminated from the selection procedure in the second-round application period with their written consent. Candidates shall provide a written consent to allow the publication of the results of the general and vocational matura exams and the autumn term matura exams. If no such consent is provided within the time limit referred to in the preceding sentence, the second-round application shall be deemed withdrawn.
The information regarding the study programmes for which the enrolment places are still available will be published on 23 September 2025 on the eVŠ web portal and on the websites of higher education institutions.
An enrolment application in the application period for still-available enrolment places may also be submitted by candidates whose appeals procedure or the procedure for the recognition of completed education for the purpose of continuing studies has not yet been completed.
The application form for enrolment in the academic year 2025/2026 must be submitted electronically via the web portal eVŠ http://portal.evs.gov.si/prijava/ , with a qualified digital certificate, AAI account (authentication and authorization infrastructure account) or username and password via the SI-PASS2 system, which operates within the National Center for Trust Services.
After successfully submitting the application, candidates will receive a confirmation email to the e-mail address provided in the application for enrolment. If the candidate does not receive the confirmation email, the application was not successfully submitted.
Candidates must also submit all required evidence for the application and admission procedures electronically via the eVŠ portal.
An application that has been completed and submitted with an electronic signature (qualified digital certificate or AAI account) or without a secure electronic signature (username and password) in the eVŠ portal by the deadline published in the Call for enrolment is considered as submitted in time.
Candidates are required to follow the e-mail address provided in the application for enrolment and the eVŠ web portal, as communication and any invitation to complete the application for enrolment will take place within the eVŠ portal. Candidates must ensure the validity of the e-mail address provided in the application.
Scanned documents or photographs of original certificates and other required documents are considered as proof of fulfilment of the admission conditions in the application-admission procedure. All the evidence required for the application must be attached electronically as scan in the eVŠ portal.
Instructions for submitting evidence of fulfilment of admission conditions are published at: https://portal.evs.gov.si/navodila-za-oddajo .
Candidates who apply with foreign certificates of completed secondary education for the application and the recognition procedure must submit the following documents to the eVŠ portal (documents listed under points 1 to 4 and 7 are mandatory):
1. A scan or photograph of the final certificate/s on completed secondary education for which candidates wish to be recognized for consideration in the application-admission procedure;
2. A scan or photograph of the translation of the final certificate from the first point into Slovenian or English language, if the document is not in Latin writing and is written in manuscript (a copy of the translation made by a sworn interpreter is sufficient);
3. Scan or photograph of annual report cards, transcripts, a diploma supplement or some other evidence on the contents and duration of education (last four years of secondary education) and verified translation of certificates of the last two years of secondary school into Slovene or English, if the document is not in Latin and is written in manuscript (a copy of the translation made by a sworn interpreter is sufficient);
4. Scan or photograph of the handwritten (candidate's signature) short chronological description of the entire education abroad (write it in a few sentences, including years and method of study);
Obrazec Short chronological description WORD
Obrazec Short chronological description PDF
5. Scan or photograph of evidence of passing the Slovene language examination at the appropriate level or equivalent other evidence - only if required for enrolment to individual study programme;
6. Scan or photograph of an identity document (page with the candidate's personal data showing the name, surname, date and place of birth and nationality):
citizens of an EU Member State: identity card or passport,
foreign nationals from a non-EU country: passport.
7. Decision on recognition for the purpose of further education (see below).
>>Enrolment places for the academic year 2025/2026<<
E-mail: evs-prijava.mizs@gov.si
Phone for calls inside Slovenia: 080 2002,
Phone for calls outside Slovenia: 00 386 1 478 85 90
Ms. Tanja Sanabor
Phone: +386 5 611 76 30
Ms. Petra Majcen
Phone: +386 5 611 76 31
E-mail: vpis@upr.si
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The application for Enrolment is available here.
Full instructions for completing the application are available here.
Login with user name and password:
- First entry - Registation (pdf)
- Re-entry - Active applications (pdf)