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UP Gender Equality Plan
The Senate of the UP has adopted the Gender Equality Plan (GEP), which defines the vision and mission in ensuring gender and other equalities for the period 2021–2027.
Based on a situation analysis, the document identifies challenges and sets out measures to achieve strategic objectives in the field of equality. The latter will be achieved with the participation of each individual, service or body, which should actively incorporate the principles of equality in their daily operations. In its midst, UP builds and promotes interpersonal relationships based on the integration of diversity, since understanding and coexistence with the otherwise-minded are fundamental pillars of a critical (academic) community that respects human rights and has zero tolerance for discrimination and intolerance.
This way the UP complies with the new eligibility criterion to get access to Horizon Europe funding. GEP is prepared in line with the requirements set by the European Commission.
The Gender Equality Plan is available on this link.