(graphic designed pdf. > English / Slovenian)
The new Medium-term Development Strategy of the University of Primorska 2025-2030, adopted by the Senate of the University of Primorska on 20 November 2024 and by the Board of the University of Primorskam on 21 November 2024, brings new directions for the development of key areas of operation of the University of Primorska.
The decision to prepare a new university development strategy was influenced by the following factors:
- changed development policies and social conditions at the national and international level with new strategic directions of Slovenia and the EU in the areas of:
- digital transformations in connection with the greening of higher education and research - green transition and sustainable development based on the European Green Deal and the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development,
- open science as a new or a modern approach to scientific research work and dissemination of its results in a transparent and collaborative manner; opening up science through the fastest possible exchange of information and knowledge between researchers increases the possibilities for faster progress in science and includes the following areas: Open access, Openness of scientific research infrastructure and equipment, Evaluation of scientific research work and Citizen science and communication of science,
- consolidating the European Higher Education Area by promoting transnational cooperation within the framework of the European Strategy for Universities, especially on the basis of the European Universities Initiative, the blueprint for a European Degree and an European quality assurance and recognition system, the development of sustainable career paths and the establishment of a common European approach to micro-credentials,
- development of future technologies and professions for the needs of society 5.0 as a smart society,
- succeasful implementation of the strategic development framework in the past 5-year period (2021-2024) as defined in the Medium-term Development Strategy of the University of Primorska 2021-2027,
- adjustment of the medium-term planning period, which will follow the development framework of Slovenia and the EU until 2030 and will respond to the rapidly changing development of society and the labor market.
As the key development directions that we have outlined for the new medium-term period until 2030, we highlight:
- assuming the leading role of UP as a creator of knowledge in the local, national and international environment in the field of the New European Bauhaus (NEB),
- strengthening the role and operation of UP in the development of the strategic partnership of the European university T4EU in the implementation of the European Strategy for Universities within the framework of the European University Initiative,
- strategic development of medical studies, including with the construction of a new building (premises and instrastructure),
- development of the micro-credential system,
- strengthening the use of artificial intelligence and processes for digital transformation (transformation) for digitization and the development of innovative work approaches in the field of education for an effective digitally supported educational system,
- ensuring appropriate competences for the digital and green transition (sustainability) for the professions of the future and achieving Society 5.0,
- transformation of all areas of operation of UP in accordance with the principles of sustainability.
The Mid-term Development Strategy contains guidelines for ten interrelated pillars, which include scientific research and pedagogical excellence, advancement and updating of innovative study programmes, cooperation with society and industry, as well as with other knowledge users nationwide and internationally. Special emphasis is also placed on the staff structure and ensuring a mechanism to maintain quality in all areas, and on innovation and intellectual property, as well as on the international recognition of UP in the global network of universities and on internationalisation at home.
The strategy will be implemented through an Action plan, in which the aforementioned pillars are supported by concrete measures, necessary to achieve individual goals.
The Mid-term Development Strategy for the period from 2021 to 2027 brings ways and methods of putting into effect the vision of UP, which through its scientific research, educational and artistic activities and its commitment to the local and wider society, is building and consolidating its position as a respected and excellent university in the global academic arena. UP is achieving high quality, inclusive and sustainable scientific, educational and artistic work in harmony with strategy Society 2050 with the principles of participatory science and the balance of humanities, social sciences and arts with natural sciences and (bio)technology.
The adopted documents are available at the following links: