Citizen Science
What is citizen science?
Citizen science is the English translation of the Slovenian term "Državljanska znanost", which means the active participation of the public in scientific research projects. The basic aim of citizen science is to offer every citizen the opportunity to actively participate in the various phases of the research process. In Slovenia, the following translations are commonly used: ljubiteljska znanost, občanska znanost, skupnostna znanost, ljubiteljska znanost ter participativna znanost. (source:
Citizen science is one of the approaches that have emerged from the participatory turn in research and innovation. This turn is usually motivated by the pursuit of various objectives, such as promoting democratisation and public participation in science and innovation, fostering scientific literacy, raising public awareness of scientific and technological issues or conducting research programmes with patterns and geographical scales that professional researchers alone could not achieve.
By participating in the scientific process as amateur scientists, amateurs have access to all the basic mechanisms of scientific knowledge, including those previously reserved for professional scientists, such as identifying research needs, developing research projects, formulating hypotheses, collecting data, interpreting research results and defining their scientific applications.
The socialisation of science
A key element defining citizen science as a potential tool for the socialisation of science arises from its basis in an observable social phenomenon, reflected to some extent in the willingness of the lay public to participate in the scientific process as stakeholders in relation to particular social or economic issues. This is usually due to a personal interest in certain topics (e.g. a love of nature and the observation of natural processes) or simply a love of science. Although there is a long tradition of lay participation in science (e.g. in disciplines such as astronomy or zoology), this trend is also spreading to other areas of science and is increasingly linked to tackling major societal challenges such as climate change, the transition to renewable energy and social inequality.
Scientific and educational value
Collaboration with amateur scientists enables researchers to collect extensive or hard-to-access data and to access traditional knowledge preserved by individual communities. It also provides the opportunity to interpret the results on this basis. In addition, citizen science has an important educational value, as it helps to increase participants' knowledge and interest in science while improving their skills such as responsibility, critical thinking and socio-economic problem solving (source:
10 principles of Citizen science
In 2015, the European Citizen Science Association (ECSA) adopted the 10 principles of citizen science.
These principles were endorsed by Science Europe, thus confirming the credibility of the principles and of citizen science as a legitimate process in scientific research. (Source: )
Beginning of the path
The Step Change Citizen Science Navigator is a guide for researchers who want to involve the public or amateur scientists in the scientific research process. It builds on the experience of the Step Change project and aims to generalise and extend its findings to benefit researchers embarking on the citizen science pathway. (
At national level, the Citizen Science Network in Slovenia brings together organisations, institutions and stakeholders active in the field of citizen science.
Important organisations for the promotion of citizen science in Europe:
- European Citizen Science Association (ECSA)
- Citizen Science Network Austria
- Society for Citizen Science (Gesellschaft für Bürgerwissenschaften) - Nemčija
- British Science Association (BSA) - Združeno kraljestvo
- Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (CEH) - Združeno kraljestvo
- Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT)
- Citizen Cyberlab - Švica
- Dutch Citizen Science Network - Nizozemska
- Tekiu - Norveška
- Stickydot
International citizen science projects in which the University of Primorska is involved:
- Step Change: Science Transformation in EuroPe through Citizens involvement in HeAlth, coNservation and enerGy rEsearch
- PRO-COAST: A PROactive approach for COmmunities to enAble Societal Transformation
- BGE: Biodiversity Genomics Europe
- BEPREP: Identification of best practices for biodiversity recovery and public health
- Biodiversa+ projekt BIG PICTURE